Lono is a god in Hawaiian mythology, known for his association with agriculture, fertility, and peace. He is also considered to be a god of music and dance, and is often depicted holding a hula drum or a staff adorned with leaves. According to legend, Lono was responsible for bringing the first kalo (taro) plants to the Hawaiian islands, and was revered as a patron of farmers and cultivators. He is also associated with the Makahiki festival, which was an annual celebration of the harvest and the god's blessings.
In addition to his agricultural and peaceful associations, Lono is also considered to be a god of war and a protector of the people. He is said to have been a skilled warrior and a powerful leader, and is often depicted holding a spear or a bow. Lono was also considered to have strong healing powers and was invoked in times of illness or injury. Many Hawaiian legends and stories feature Lono as a central character, and his worship was widespread throughout the islands.